Cheese or cheese is a food that is popular worldwide and has developed a taste of the cheese smell out by the tremendous popularity and consumption of culture in each area. But today I will tells the origin of the cheese. That have to come to กัน how to become a top food cheese popular in today's world. The origin of the cheese. No document reference in any official. Only myth narrate that when the cheese has 4,000 years ถือกำเนิด B.C in the Middle East desert bar. The men, one Arab. This myth is not that What is known. Have traversed the desert with a camel ride and he was put in milk packaging leaves a small bag. Made from sheep ulcer. Purveyance to be traveling. Then travel to remain in the desert. And the dry up. Porter, it is to drink more milk, but found to be satisfied that milk is a separate floor of a 2 floor thick white lumpy appearance. The other class is opaque water color like whey. This made the result. Because the membrane sac of sheep bookmarks. Enzyme called a 'confidence for the New', which when combined with heat in the desert that milk heated up. Force and vibration caused by movement of the camel. Make the milk into a separate class and 2 of this own techniques that are used in the production of cheese and Arab men today, however this. Edit is not interested in techniques that are found by a fortuity this much. But just know that edit. Whey is still edible and the previous hard it merely delicious. Arab men when people bring it to this friend, hearing of this technique have used to collect milk easier. And during the long journey only. Till the Iud Magokl เรืองอำนาจ of milk preservation techniques. The cheese has been made widely available for use as food is rich with warrior Magokl value. When the Roman era เรืองอำนาจ. It started with the cheese produced by households. Like seriously. Process and has been developed in various cheese flavors. Cheese into a food of high chivalry. And distributed them throughout Europe by Roman soldiers. To dispatch troops to invade countries through medieval cleric who has become a role in the development of cheese. A mix of many flavors. We now have over 2,000 kinds of cheese with flavors and ingredients that vary in the 19 century cheese became a large industry. That is very important. Because cheese dairy products that have become popular with consumers around the world people.