Strong properties of the Berry.
1. Vision Care.
Most eye problems are caused by free radicals. And some malnutrition. When our life more. Our eyes more easily abused. Moreover the old to make eye muscle deterioration. But Strawbridge substances that Berry has anti-free radicals. Vitamin C were not as tall as acid feed Noble Grand Do list and a pinch La El acids. This helps slow the process. Plus potassium, which helps adjust the pressure in the eye is normal, too.
2. Prevent an inflammatory disease and gout disease.
When muscles are used infrequently in our muscles, there is regression fluid. Area above the mine to see it evaporate into body building and they accumulate a toxic acid Iorik place greater cause disease, arthritis and other diseases, gout inquire. But not to worry. We can banish disease, both anti-free radicals with substances. And Strawbridge's detox properties that help Berry.
3. Vanquish cancer.
Strawbridge Berry eat that every day สิ คะ tumor. And tumor close to the left to avoid substances like vitamin C anti-free radicals involved themes and Anthony Chaiya News Inc.. A vast number in that memory Strawbridge help.
4. Promote the work of the brain.
To even more dotty. Because the brain tissue and nerve deterioration of the bad free radicals. The Strawbridge that Berry can help. It has Vitamin C. And light-minded New Tech Marine Robotics. That free radicals have no effect. And restore youthfulness to the nervous system. Plus, there iodine to make the brain and nervous system work more effectively with.
5. Lower blood pressure.
If sodium is a cause of high blood pressure. Strawbridge Berry is that potassium and magnesium that help adjust the pressure as usual help.
6. Suppression of heart disease.
Four fiber foods and substances involved many anti-free radicals. Will help reduce cholesterol in the body. Plus, some B vitamins found in that Strawbridge Berry. Will strengthen the heart muscle strength also.